Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'cake_dev_eng' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_list' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_list' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_aros' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_aros' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_aros_acos' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_aros_acos' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_acos' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_acos' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): permissions cache was unable to write 'permissions_public' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'cake_dev_ara' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'cake_ara' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'meio_upload_ara' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_clients' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_clients' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_categories' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_categories' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_gold_clients' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_gold_clients' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_banners' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_banners' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_branches' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_branches' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_receipts' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_receipts' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_i18n' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_model_ cache was unable to write 'default_elsabtey_sabteya2014_agd_i18n' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Elsabteya| local search
Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'default_ara' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
02-25759064, 0122-2448260, 0100-6058436
الفاكس: 02-25759064
البريد الالكتروني: info@elnourtrading.net
الموقع الالكتروني: http://www.elnourtrading.net/

نحن شركة النور للتجارة و التوريدات العامة 1) وكلاء لشركةVALCO الهندية للبلوف الدايفرام المطن تفلون وكاوتش وكافة أنواع البلوف 2) وكلاء شركةRASSTECH الأمريكية لحشو الطلمبات وحشو البلوف والميكانيكال سيل 3) جميع أنوع البلوف البلاستيك والوصلاات المرنة التفلون والكاوتش والأستانلس ستيل 4) جميع أنواع المواسير ولوازمها وألواح التفلون والأعمدة وألواح الكلنجريت والمسامير

Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'file_map' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]
Warning (512): _cake_core_ cache was unable to write 'method_cache' to File cache [CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 325]